Research Departments
Dedicated research departments specializing in communication systems, machine learning and data science, and information technology management. These departments serve as the backbone of SimulaMet, addressing critical issues in these domains.

Center for Resilient Networks and Applications
CRNA conducts research on the robustness and reliability of communication networks and applications.

Signal and Information Processing for Intelligent Systems
SIGIPRO delivers innovative solutions for intelligent and multimodal sensor networks, information systems, and networked cyber-physical systems, by creating theories and algorithms that blend different disciplines.

Holistic Systems
HOST conducts research to address real-world challenges in distributed systems, using a holistic approach that encompasses all components of the system.

Data Science and Knowledge Discovery
DataSci aims to advance the frontiers of machine learning and data mining by developing novel methods and algorithms to analyse complex data sets and reveal underlying patterns.

IT Management
ITM aims to help improve the process and outcomes of software development, with a particular emphasis on public sector solutions.
Learn more about our research within these areas